Ladylike | BLOCK B

Aubrey brings her girlfriend, Kat, to an intimate family dinner. Upon their arrival, the girls are met with hostility from Aubrey’s aunt. Tensions worsen throughout the evening, eventually causing Aubrey to flee the home, leaving her family to reflect on their actions.

Narrative Short | 11:29

Director Biography - Natalie Ring

Natalie Ring is an Editor born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Having graduated Magna Cum Laude from Hussian College, Los Angeles, she has obtained her BFA in Film and Digital Content (2023). Natalie has been working professionally in the industry as an Editor for four years, and as an Assistant Director for the past year.

Natalie frequently collaborates with the stop motion company Apartment D, and has worked on a variety of indie short and feature films. During her studies, Natalie has directed two films; Seven Minutes in Heaven (2022), and her senior thesis, Ladylike (2023), which is her most ambitious and inclusive project to date.