The Italian Giant



Ennio Morricone has composed gorgeous music that is at times transcendental, while other times it is textured and intense.

Noted San Diego music historian Chris Burns revisits the accomplishments of one of cinema’s true composing masters.

Chris’ Ennio Morricone program features music from many of Ennio’s European-only films, in addition to the scores we all love. And, of course, his spaghetti western collaboration with Sergio Leone.

His filmography is legendary. The Hateful Eight, For A Few Dollars More, The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, Maddalena, etc. etc. etc.

Ennio was especially gifted in composing music for diverse story locations and historical moments, from the Wild West, to South America, to Rome.

This hour panel will celebrate, explore, and enlighten us to Morricone’s gigantic genius.